The Most Important Point to Remember on School Choice

When we engage our friends and neighbors about school choice, that is the point that needs to
be made. I support all children getting a quality education, whether that comes from a traditional
public school, charter school, micro-school, home school, or private school. But it’s not up to
me—and it shouldn’t be up to the government—to decide what the best solution is for each
individual student. That should be left up to the families themselves, and that is why I believe school choice for all.
Making Tennessee’s Pilot ESA Program Universal Benefits All Students

Editorial: Making Tennessee’s Pilot ESA Program Universal Benefits All Students Invest In Students- Donate Today! Making Tennessee’s Pilot ESA Program Universal Benefits All Students by Cooper Conway It looks like 2023 will be the year of ESA, with 70 bills related to Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) already introduced in 31 states since January. However, some […]
Student Award Center Opens More Opportunities to Invest in School Choice

Invest in Students Today! As school choice scholarship applications continue to come in over the next month, we must grow our capacity to meet student’s needs. As such, SAC asks for supporters of school choice to consider one-time or recurring donations. For individual or corporate sponsorships, suggested donation levels are $10 per month for individuals […]
“I Love My School!” Essay Contest Open for K-12 Students throughout West Tennessee

Along with a keynote, informational vendors, and a panel discussion on the future of school choice, “A World of Opportunity: West Tennessee School Choice Week 2023” will feature an essay contest for students from across the school choice landscape. “When public, private, home school, coops, pods, even hybrid virtual and in-person options are on the […]
National School Choice Week 2023

National School Choice Week 2023 Donate Today National School Choice Week is January 22nd-28th, 2023. SAC will be on the Hill in Nashville on January 24th with other school choice organizations and families to educate legislators on the importance of school choice and to promote our work with families and schools in Jackson. We will […]